Sunday, January 30, 2011

Life Drawing 2009

I was not a big fan of my life drawing class, not because of the naked people, mainly because I did not like standing for so dang long. And also there was the horrible teacher, who never offered any critique, just walked around and stared, i didnt like that lady.
I was ok with the nakedness. just not the models, There was this one reallllyyy skinny guy, who was impossible to draw, there was nothing to draw! and there was a pudgy guy, but he was awkward, cause he would look at you while you drew him, oh hi. im just drawing your naked body. My favorite was the bigger girl, she wasnt fat, just curvy, and it was sooo much fun to draw her! Anyway here are a few pics from that class.

I know there are more somewhere, but i have NO idea what i did with them!! eek!


Pastel on Paper